电子邮件: 林恩.neylon@gcccd.edu
办公室:b - 355
学生 营业时间:2024年秋季 Mondays - Thursday 1:35 - 2:50.
在这段时间里,我会 in my office and available for in person appointments or on the computer and should be able to return calls 和电子邮件s rapidly. * *请注意 while CANVAS 和电子邮件 是 available everyday, I need to eat, sleep and be with my family :) In general, I am not available on the weekends. 电子邮件s and phone calls received during the week, I will try to get back to you within 48 hours; much sooner if possible, but please be 病人.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-12:05pm Room B-164
I highly recommend 那 you also take the support class, 英语2S [section 3682] - it is offered right after the writing class
英语2. 学生s 是 often much more successful because they took both classes together.
Text: Carol Dweck's 心态: 的 new Psychology of Success
If you want to get a head start, purchase the book and read Chapter 1.
We will read the book, talk about what we read in class to make sure everyone understands, and write our essays paragraph by paragraph [reviewing 一路走来的一切]. I will provide lots of help via lectures, activities, and you can always ask questions in class or email me questions :) Online and 在校园 tutoring 也是可用的.
During the semester, we will write three 五段式短文s - the last one including 研究. We will also have 3 in class essay exams.
你r participation is super important in class, and I look forward to getting to know 你本人.
Full class information and syllabus in CANVAS Container.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:15 - 1:35pm Room TBD
I highly recommend 那 you also take the writing course 英语2 for this level. 的 support class is specifically designed to improve the essays you create in the writing classes to help you get a better grade. I am teaching 英语2 [section 0804] 在校园 Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-12:05 in B164.
Text: Carol Dweck's 心态: 的 new Psychology of Success
If you want to get a head start, purchase the book and read Chapter 1.
非母语英语课程 1A和1B(2874和2876)
Accelerated Reading and Writing
非母语英语课程 1A和1B(2874和2876)
Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00-12:05pm Room B159
非母语英语课程 1AS and 非母语英语课程 1BS Support class for 非母语英语课程 1A/B Accelerated Reading and Writing
Dr. 林恩Neylon-Craft is a professor of English language at 立博. 她 有一个B.A. 心理学学士和B.A. in English from SDSU, an MA in teaching English from USIU, an MA in Humanities from CSU Dominguez Hills, and a Ph.D. 在比较 来自加州大学河滨分校的文学. 她 has lived, traveled, studied and worked in Europe, spending time in England, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Portugal. 作为 她的Ph值.D. 博士的研究中,. Neylon-Craft explored the connections between European literature 和心理学. Professor Neylon-Craft is bilingual and has years of experience working with peoples of many cultures.
Dr. Neylon-Craft invites all her students to check out the excellent study abroad programs offered at Cuyamaca and Grossmont大学s. "的se programs 是 a great adventure in language, culture, and life 那 shouldn't be missed!"